The West Africa Drug Policy Network (WADPN) invites you to participate in a Webinar on "The Senatorial concurrence of Liberia's Controlled Drug and Substance Act 2014 (amended) delays: causes, effects, and the way forward" on Friday 10th June 2022 at 10:00 am on Zoom.
In March 2021, WADPN, together with the Office of the Hon. Thomas Goshua and the Liberia Drug Enforce Agency (DEA) facilitated the amendment of the Controlled Drug and Substance Act 2014 in alignment with human rights and public health standards to address the proliferation of illicit drugs in Liberia and its corresponding impact.
In November 2021, this amendment was passed by the House of Representatives and immediately forwarded to the House of Senate (Senate Committee Room) for careful examination and further recommendations for Senate's decision. Sadly, the statutory examination period has long elapsed, with no official feedback from the Committee Room.
WADPN is concerned that this delay has stalled the legislation of more progressive drug law in Liberia and continues to jeopardise citizens' lives, security, and well-being, especially those affected by drugs.
The webinar will convene policymakers, Civil Society, drug-affected persons and experts from Liberia to identify and discuss the causes of the delay, and its impact on Liberians, especially people who use drugs, and craft the way forward to the speedy concurrence of the 2014 Act (amended) by Senate.
Kindly register via to be part of the discussion.
NB: This webinar will be in English only