About us
The West Africa Drug Policy Network is a coalition of West African civil society organisations (CSOs) that have come together to support drug policy reform in West Africa by building the capacity of local CSOs to address the impact of drug markets on democracy, governance, human security, human rights, and public health. WADPN was established in 2015 and registered in 2018 as a regional network of individuals and civil society organisations with diverse backgrounds and specialities, including human rights, public health, harm reduction, prison reformation, governance, education etc. The Network has membership and established chapters in all 16 ECOWAS West Africa countries, including Mauritania. The goal of the Network is to promote an evidence-based drug control response that seeks to promote and protect the human rights, health and well-being of people and communities who use drugs and are exposed to or living with HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis and other blood-borne (drug-related) infectious diseases.
We believe in evidence-based drug policy
that is grounded on public health and human rights

Our Vision
A West Africa where drug policies are humane and based on principles of human rights, public health, and human security.
Our Mission
We advocate for evidence-based drug policy reform in West Africa. Our specific focus is on how the illicit drug trade impacts democracy, governance, security, human rights and public health within the region